by admin | Jan 30, 2015 | Tips
If you’re someone that adores staying hours upon hours when it comes down to your cooking and baking, then this is definitely for you! Kitchen cleaning is something that is totally imperative because it is so easy to be able to get caught up by putting off...
by Arboritec | Jan 28, 2015 | Tips
Den 15 januari närvarade vi vid Ångtvättbilens årliga konferens i Stockholm, där vi ännu en gång fick möjligheten att stifta bekantskap med Ångtvättbilen och dess trevliga medarbetare. Eftersom Ångtvättbilen återställer slitna och svårstädade plast- och linoleumgolv...
by admin | Jan 14, 2015 | Events
17–20 January 2015 | Hannover, Germany This year at Domotex we’re joining our American colleagues in the NWFA Pavilion: Hall 8 – Stand C16. We hope to see you there! Over the last 15 years we have been perfecting ceramic fortified lacquers, oils and maintenance...
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